Wednesday, December 9, 2009
12/8 School Board Meeting
The regular meeting began with a special presentation by Kimberly James, President of the Alpine Education Support Professionals. The AESP sponsored a “Teddy Bear Drive” and presented over 10,000 teddy bears to emergency service workers throughout Alpine School District. They will use the bears to comfort children in times of crisis. Thank you to the many people that supported this cause. It was an impressive presentation.
There were three action items for the evening. The first was the re-appointment of Business Administrator Robert W. Smith. Members of the Board expressed appreciation for the outstanding job he does. The second action item was the approval of the Consolidated Utah Student Achievement Plan (CUSAP). The final action item was the approval of the Peanut and Severe Food Allergy Policy (attached).
David Smith, ASD Director of Research and Evaluation, gave an impressive report on both ACT test results as well as Advanced Placement programs in Alpine School District.
The next Board Meeting will be held on January 12 at the District Office.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Working with Legislators
The first part of the training was given by Representative Steve Sandstrom, who talked about how to work with legislators. Most of it is common sense, just reminding us to remember that legislators are regular people like you and me, with families, jobs, and busy lives, and appreciate being treated with kindness. Sadly, sometimes people forget these things in the heat of the passionate moment around an issue. Here are some of the tips he offered:
- Most representatives prefer email, but they are also available by phone if you'd like to talk to them.
- Identify yourself as a constituent (in the subject line of the email if you are contacting them that way).
- Find out what stance they have taken on this issue or similar issues before contacting them. You can view how any legislator voted on a given bill in the past by looking on the Legislature Web site. If you aren't able to find out what their stand is, ask before assuming they have a certain position.
- Be courteous--even if you are frustrated. You'll get better results. Everyone likes to be approached civilly.
- Respect their time.
- Contact your representative early—before the legislative session starts, if possible.
Remember, not every issue needs to be taken to the state Legislature. Here are some types of issues you will want to talk with your legislators about:
- Budget issues (classroom size, teacher pay, trust lands)
- Transportation issues involving state funds or state roads
- Health and safety issues (drug and alcohol laws, gun laws, etc.)
Friday, November 13, 2009
Alpine School Board Meeting Highlights
The dedication of Westlake High School took place at 6:00 p.m. The Westlake Concert Choir sang the National Anthem, followed by remarks from Principal Fred Openshaw. School Community Council Chairman John Festin then spoke. The Westlake Concert Choir did a beautiful job singing “You Raise Me Up.” Sam Jarman, ASD 10-12 administrator spoke followed by Board Member JoDee Sundberg. Board Member Guy Fugal then gave the dedicatory prayer. Thank you to the administration, staff and patrons of Westlake High School for a great job in opening this new school.
The regular Board Meeting began by the School Board approving the request from the American Fork High School Marching Band to travel to the Bands of America National Competition this weekend. Good Luck AF Band!
There were three action items for the evening: 1) The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and External Audit, 2) Schools Closed to Out of Area Students for the 2010-2011 school year, and 3) Board Meeting Schedule for 2010. (Attached)
The schools that will be closed to out of area students for the 2010-2011 school year are:
1) High Schools – Lone Peak High School.
2) Junior High/Middle Schools – New Saratoga Springs Middle School, Willowcreek Middle, Lehi Junior High, Timberline Middle, American Fork Junior (open to students living outside the boundaries who will attend American Fork High School), and Lakeridge Junior High.
3) Elementary Schools – New elementary school in Traverse Mountain, Ridgeline, Fox Hollow, New elementary school in Eagle Mountain, and Eagle Valley.
There were four discussion items for the evening: 1) Preliminary boundary options for the new junior high school and two elementary schools, 2) The 2011-2012 school calendar, 3) Policy regarding peanut and food allergies, and 4) Policy regarding background checks. Discussion items will be voted on at the Board Meeting in December.
Thanks to Westlake High School for hosting Board Meeting.
The next Board Meeting will be on December 8 at the district offices.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Alpine School District Update 11/9
1. We have received word from the Utah County Health Department that neither the H1N1 or the seasonal flu shot will be available at our health and benefit fairs this month. They are hoping to have the vaccine available by December.
2. There was a law passed in the last legislative session requiring that all employees go through fingerprinting and background checks every six years. In Alpine School District, certified employees will be doing this every time they go through the re-certification with the State Office of Education. Classified employees will be on a rotation schedule. Employees will receive notification from the Human Resource Department.
3. Superintendent Henshaw will be having input meetings for all employees starting this week. He, as well as Assistant Superintendents Rob Smith and Gary Seastrand will be available to answer any questions or respond to any concerns employees might have. Employees are invited to attend any of the sessions, regardless of where they work. The following sessions have been scheduled:
Wednesday, November 11 at Lakeridge Junior High School
Thursday, November 12 at American Fork Junior High School
Tuesday, November 17 at Willowcreek Middle School
There will be two sessions each day, one will begin at 3:00 p.m. and the other at 4:00 p.m. Sessions will last approximately 45 minutes and will be held in the auditorium.
4. Congratulations to American Fork Junior High School for being featured on Fox 13 as the “Cool School of the Week.” The steel drum band, orchestra, choir, jazz band, ballroom team, and student council all did a great job. They did their red ribbon week balloon launch on the show as well. Students raised over $1,000 to give to “Big Buddha” for the Samoan relief effort. Buddha is from that area and was very surprised and even got a little teary eyed when the presentation was made. The U.S. $1.00 is worth about $3.00 in Somoa, so it will buy a lot of water and supplies. Fox 13 was very impressed with AFJH and wants to visit them again next year. Great Job American Fork Junior!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Legislative Involvement Conference
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Alpine School District Update
November 12, 2009 from 2-6 P.M. at Lindon Elementary
November 19, 2009 from 2-6 P.M. at American Fork Junior High
November 24, 2009 from 2-6 P.M. at the District Office Board Room
Immunizations will be provided at all three. The cost for the flu shot is $23.00, and the cost for pneumonia is $45.00. It is not clear at this time if the H1N1 shot will be available.
2. As you are well aware, there have been several recent confirmed cases of H1N1 within our district boundaries. This includes many of our employees and students. A reminder to all employees that if you are sick, you should stay home. We are also asking parents to keep their students home if they are sick. In doing so, there has been some feedback from parents who feel pressure from their students who are being “punished” for staying home. Please work with students who have had to remain home because of illness. This week is the end of the term for many of you, which means it is a busy time. Remember that if a student has been excused by a parent because of illness, they are allowed to make up the work they missed. Thank you for working together as we are entering into what will surely be a long flu season.
3. There have been several schools that have experienced a “break in” over the last few weeks. There has been some vandalism, as well as equipment and some cash stolen. We ask that employees be extra vigilant in taking ownership of the security of our buildings. Remember to keep things of value locked in a secure location. Make sure doors are secure and locked behind you as you come and go from your schools. You should also keep an eye on things, especially if you are in your buildings after regular school hours.
4. October 19-23 is officially “Bus Safety Week.” This is a great time to thank our 300 bus drivers. We have 260 buses running about 1,100 routes. They make 8,000 stops per day and transport more than 37,000 students district wide. We appreciate all they do in keeping our students safe each day.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Upcoming Legislative meetings
October 22 (this Thursday--you can register on site)
Utah PTA Advocacy Conference
Utah State Capitol
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
October 30
Critical Issues Conference ($40 register online or on site)
Utah Cultural Celebration Center
7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
November 2
Region 9 Legislative Involvement Conference (all PTA members invited to attend--free of charge)
Alpine School District Board Room
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
February 11
Utah PTA Day at the Legislature (advance registration required--check the Utah PTA Web site for more info)
Utah State Capitol
Time TBA
Hope to see you at one or more of these great events!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
10/13 School Board Meeting Highlights
The regular board meeting began with several recognitions:
- Greg Sheide - Recently selected from nearly 500 peers to be this year's "4A Coach of the Year for Distinguished Service."
- Congratulations to the State Championship girl's tennis team from Orem High School.
- Lynsi Pearson - 2009 Tennis Team Coach of the Year
- Team Members - Ellery Young, Whitnie Pearson, Kelsie Craig, Callie Craig, Sydney Madsen, Jessie Dyer, and Kristee Rowley
There were three action items for the evening:
- Requests for Out-of-state Travel
- The Assurances portion of the Consolidated Utah Student Achievement Plan (CUSAP)
- Change in location for the October 27 and November 10 Board Meetings to accommodate the dedication of two new schools
- The location for the October 27 meeting will now be at North Point Elementary School instead of Shelley Elementary.
- The location for the November 10 meeting will now be at Westlake High School instead of Orchard Elementary.
- The school dedications will take place right before each of these meetings.
There were two discussion items for the evening:
- Schools closed to out-of area attendance for the 2010-2011 school year.
- Proposed Board Meeting schedule for 2010.
The next Board Meeting will be on October 27 at North Point Elementary. The dedication of this new school will begin at 6:00 p.m. followed by the Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Utahns for Ethical Government (UEG)
Why Sign the UEG Ballot Initiative?
1. The UEG ballot initiative will place Utah among the ethical leaders of the 50 states instead of at the back of the pack.
- Utah is one of only 10 states without an Independent Ethics Commission.
- Utah is one of only six states that do not set limits on campaign contributions.
- Utah has been given grades of F and D- on its disclosure reporting requirements by two separate independent organizations.
2. Signing the UEG ballot initiative will show the Utah Legislature that voters care about legislators’ integrity and ethical behavior.
- The Legislature has taken only small steps to reform itself.
- The Legislature needs to be accountable to the people, not to special interests.
- Legislators work for us, not the other way around.
3. The UEG ballot initiative will give voice to the people, whose voice is being drowned out by special interest money.
- The fundamental right of one-person-one-vote is significantly diminished and access is limited when one person’s vote competes with so much corporate money and with unlimited contributions from a few wealthy individuals and groups.
4. The UEG ballot initiative will help legislators.
- UEG ethical standards make it easier for honest people to remain honest.
- UEG ethical standards clarify what is not acceptable and will protect legislators from lobbyist and special interest pressures.
- The Commission will develop a mandatory ethics training program for the Legislature and legislative staff.
- If a legislator is in doubt about an action, the legislator can seek an opinion from the Commission to determine whether the contemplated action would be ethical.
5. The UEG ballot initiative will prohibit legislators from accepting gifts (for example, meals, athletic tickets, entertainment, and travel) from lobbyists.
- Legislators are already paid per diems ($54 for food and $120 for lodging), so their living costs during the session are covered.
- Accepting gifts creates the perception, if not the reality, that special interest groups are buying access and votes.
Did You Know?
Did you know that under current law:
- Legislators can be lobbyists while serving in office. They also can lobby for themselves or a business (if it is not primarily a lobbying organization) as soon as they leave office.
What’s the matter with this?
1) Utahns do not know whom their legislator is representing while in office--the public or their lobbying organization?
2) We do not know whether the serving legislator is tempted to vote a certain way while in office in hopes of securing a job or a lobbying contract after the session ends.
No man can serve two masters with equal faith. The master should be the people of Utah, not the lobbying organization.
- Legislators can accept appointments to corporate boards when the corporation may have matters to come before the Legislature and when the principal qualification to serve is the legislator’s status as a legislator.
- Legislators can sponsor bills that give a specific financial benefit to themselves or their business interests without sufficient disclosure of their conflicts of interest.
- Legislators are not prevented from using their official positions to threaten judges and agency heads and to get employees of the executive branch fired for not ruling a certain way.
- Legislators can spend campaign funds on non-campaign personal expenses.
- Legislators can contribute to each other’s campaigns with money that was given to them for expected use in their own campaign. They can acquire a war chest and give money to other legislators or legislative candidates to curry favor with them and influence legislative leadership decisions.
- Legislators can accept unlimited donations to their campaigns from individuals, corporations, and other special interest groups.
This citizen-led initiative will improve the ethical landscape,
assuring that legislators do not profit or appear to profit
from their positions of trust.
Follow us at and on twitter and the UEG facebook page.
Supplementary Information for Signature Gatherers
1. The UEG initiative is nonpartisan.
- It is supported by Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and other voters.
- Its supporters include a number of former legislators and community leaders, both Republicans and Democrats.
2. The UEG initiative preserves the constitutional authority of the legislature to discipline its own members but provides a measure of independence from legislative politics.
- The Independent Ethics Commission will be an arm of the legislative branch of state government selected by legislative leadership.
- The five Commissioners will be selected at random from a pool of 20 qualified citizens, all of whom must be unanimously agreed to by the Republican and Democratic leadership of the House and Senate. The Commissioners must agree to operate in a non-partisan fashion.
- The Commission will review complaints of ethical misconduct submitted by any three persons, and decide whether to dismiss the complaint or to hold hearings and make recommendations to the Legislature with respect to the discipline of a member.
- The Senate or House decides whether to accept or reject the recommendations of the Commission but must do so in a public vote.
3. The Office of the Independent Ethics Commission will be a small office.
- The office will have a paid Executive Director and small staff.
- The staff will have the expertise and technology to conduct investigations and gather evidence for the Commission.
- The Commissioners will not be salaried but will be paid a per diem to cover their expenses for actual days worked.
4. Our initiative is a separate initiative from the Fair Boundaries (redistricting) initiative to establish an independent commission to redraw the boundaries for federal and state legislative districts after the 2010 census.
- The initiatives are congruent because both are interested in improving public trust in their government and reducing partisanship in decisions that should be nonpartisan, but they focus on different problems and have different sponsors.
5. Our initiative is not part of the work of the Governor’s Commission on Strengthening Democracy, which is focusing on election law reform, campaign financing, and lobbying and which will make recommendations to Governor Herbert in November.
- The original charge to the Commission to study ethics and redistricting issues was withdrawn by Governor Huntsman under pressure from legislative leaders, which gave increased importance to the work of Utahns for Ethical Government and Fair Boundaries.
More detailed information is found in the Executive Summary and Frequently Asked Questions sections of the UEG website at The complete initiative can be downloaded from the website, along with favorable editorials that have been published since the initiative was launched on August 12th.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Alpine School District Board Meeting 9/22
Mr. Harvey's 6th grade music class then did a beautiful job singing the song "One Voice" - reminding us that each of us haS a voice and we can all make a difference.
Principal Kim Bird recognized the following Northridge Elementary students:
1. Jacob Henderson - A 6th grade student who is a true friend to others. He also tutors other students in reading.
2. Liberty Ritchie - Also a 6th grade student who loves school and is a friend to all.
3. Myles Mattinson - A 3rd grade student who works hard and is doing great in school.
4. Tucker Harris - A 1st grade student who read 30 books and did 57 homework activities over the summer!
5. Ian and Hunter Chiniquy - 4th grade brothers who are very polite and have good manners.
6. Mary Elizabeth Thomas - A talented 5th grader student who is involved in orchestra, storytelling, choir, and ballroom.
Congratulations to these students who represent all of the other great student at Northridge Elementary.
Guy Fugal, representing the Alpine Foundation, then, recognized 6 other people from Northridge:
1. Janeen Graham - A teacher who loves coming to work. Her love of teaching is contagious to those around her.
2. Rolfe Andrus - A "one of a kind" teacher who is "strong, steady, and consistent."
3. Cindy Jaramillo - A former teacher who now facilitates the STAR reading program.
4. Stacee Smith - A lucky "catch" for Northridge this summer. She also helps with the STAR reading program.
5. Wendy Mitchell - A volunteer who puts a smile on faces at Northridge daily. Service for others is her middle name.
6. Tracy Alder - A volunteer who has dedicated her life to serving others. She organizes the home reading library.
Congratulations and thank you for the service you give to the students of Northridge Elementary.
PTA Presidents Tiffany Benson and Marci Lameraux then reported about the "Green Revolution" taking place at Northridge this year. Students participate in setting goals each month and earn beads for their "dog tags".
School Community Chair Carolyn Longhurt expressed appreciation for the partnership with the PTA as well as the school principal and faculty. The SCC uses their bulletin board as well as their website to communicate to patrons at Northridge.
Principal Kim Bird reported on the progress of Professional Learning Communities at Northridge over the last five years. She recognized the faculty and staff for their hard work and dedication. She also expressed appreciation to the patrons and students at Northridge.
Thank you to all of the faculty, staff, patrons, and students for an impressive job hosting Board Meeting this month. Northridge Elementary is obviously a great place for students to achieve.
The action item for the evening was a real estate purchase contract.
David Smith from the district office then gave an impressive report on AYP and UPASS data for Alpine School District.
Board Member Tim Osborn reported on the groundbreaking of the new MATC building located at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi. The building will be complete in approximately 15 months.
Board Member JoDee Sundberg reported on the ongoing PTA/SCC meetings currently taking place at schools around the district. She commented on the privilege it is for Board Members to be able to listen to discussions and concerns of patrons in our schools.
Board Member Chrissy Hannemann reported on the progress of the district curriculum committee.
The next Board Meeting will be held on October 13 at the district offices.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
School Board Meeting Highlights
The regular meeting began with the School Board recognizing three outstanding employees.
1. Vicki Ahlstrom is a sixth grade gifted and talented teacher at Sego Lily Elementary. She recently won the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
2. Natalie Robinson is a district math instructional coach for fifth and sixth grade teachers. She also recently won the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
*This award is the highest recognition that a K-12 math or science teacher may receive in the United States. It was enacted by Congress in 1983.
3. Suzanne Hadfield is an agricultural educator at Pleasant Grove High School. She was recently selected by the National Association of Agrucultural Educators as the 2009 Utah Outstanding Young Member.
Board Members received three reports from Cabinet Members about the beginning of the school year.
Barry Graff spoke about a relatively "quiet and calm" start at the junior high level. Both Lakeridge and American Fork Junior High Schools are enjoying additions and classroom improvements that happened over the summer. He also reported about the great Professional Development Days that happened across the district the week school began.
Kathy Janzen reported on the progress of Skyward, the new district "student information system." Skyward is being implemented at the elementary level this year in phases and at the secondary level next year. She also reported on the opening of two new elementary schools, North Point and Sage Hills, and expressed appreciation to the many people who helped with that process.
Rhonda Bromley reported on the fact that the first three weeks of school in ASD have been successful, in spite of many challenges. The important thing is that students have been safe coming to and from as well as during school, and have been engaged in the learning process. There is a good, positive feeling in the schools so far - thanks to the district's great employees.
Board Members reviewed the upcoming PTA/School Community Council presentations/discussions that will begin next week across the district.
The Superintendent discussed Board Committee Assignments for the coming year.
Board President Debbie Taylor reviewed Board Member inservice assignments for study sessions for the rest of the year.
The next Board Meeting will be on September 22 at Northridge Elementary School.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Meet Your Candidates--Online
You can click on the candidate names in blue type to view their statements of qualifications. Candidate names appearing in black type did not submit a statement. Candidates were not required to submit statements. Statements for candidates in a district not requiring a primary will not show until the general election ballot is posted.
Friday, August 28, 2009
From the Utah PTA Web site, here's how to join:
Join the Utah PTA Member-to-Member Network today and enjoy the benefits of regular updates on all legislative matters during interim meetings, advance notice of legislative events and the opportunity to really make a difference in the lives of our children during the session.Email to become a member of the Utah PTA Member-to-Member Network.
National PTA Member-to-Member Network. You may also join National PTA's Member-to-Member Network. Find out more info at
Alpine School District Update
The first week of school is always a challenge for both the transportation and nutritional services departments. Every year for the first few days of school, bus drivers and supervisors are busy analyzing and changing bus routes and safe walking paths for students. We are pleased to announce that all students arrived to and from school safely. Thank you transportation department. A similar process happens in the nutritional services department. Three schools started the year by serving sack lunches. Shelley Elementary, Sage Hills Elementary, and Lakeridge Junior High School have now moved into their new lunchrooms and are serving regular lunches. Thanks to our great nutritional services department.
We will continue to have a wellness program this year both on the district and the school levels. However, because of budget reductions, we will not be offering the city recreation center passes through the district office. The district is encouraging schools to work with their local recreation centers to offer discounts for school employees. It is important that we all strive to be as healthy as we can be, and in doing so we will perform better for the students of Alpine School District.
Flu season is quickly approaching. We are being proactive in working with the Utah County Health Department in preparation for the H1N1 virus. We appreciate our maintenance department and our custodial staffs for keeping our schools clean and sanitized. If students or employees are showing a combination of flu-like symptoms, they should not attend school for at least 24 hours after the symptoms are gone. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Your Legislative Budget
- Conferences--this could include Utah PTA Legislative Advocacy Conference (October), Critical Issues Conference (October), PTA Day at the Capitol (February), and Utah PTA Leadership Convention (May) $125 for conferences should about set you up for all of them. If your board is not supporting the expense for others to attend some of these conferences, especially Critical Issues and the Advocacy Conference (which will benefit everyone on your board), consider adding in the cost of a few extra registrations so you can take people along.
- Meet the Candidates--if you plan to do one on your own, find out if you will have to pay for a venue. You'll need paper and pencils to pass around for people to write questions on, and water bottles for the candidates and moderator. If you want to purchase a small gift for the moderator, add that in. Think about what you want to do for advertising. A low-budget MtC night in a free venue might cost around $15.
- Travel expenses--If you're planning on taking very many trips up to the capitol, or to other conferences outside Utah Valley, consider having your board help out with expenses. One 75 mile round trip to the capitol could be reimbursed at .35/mile or whatever your board feels is fair. If you're only going to make one trip up this year, don't worry about expenses, unless it is a hardship for you. It's totally legitimate, as long as you budget it in the beginning.
- Copies--hopefully you can do most of your work online, which will cut way back on expenses. If you anticipate needing to make copies for any reason, add that in to your budget.
- Food--If you plan to be at the capitol for a day other than a scheduled conference, you can purchase lunch for about $9. If you want your board to pay for it, add this in to your budget.
Alpine School Board Meeting
The Board of Education met in a study session prior to the regular board meeting on Tuesday, August 11. The purpose of the meeting was to review the 2008-2009 year-end budget, review construction projects, and follow up on the strategic plan discussion from the recent board retreat.
There was one action item in the regular board meeting. The board voted to approve the Lehi City EDA.
The board discussed and reviewed assignments and plans for the employee celebration, which will be held at each of the cluster high schools on Tuesday, August 18.
The next board meeting will be held on September 8 in the board room at the district office.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
National PTA Takes Action Newsletter
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Welcome to the Legislative VP Support Blog
If there is anything specific you'd like information on, please let me know--through the comments section, or by email. I'll research if necessary, and share what I find with the group.
Here are a couple of ways to make sure you get updates:
- Follow this blog by clicking on the link in the sidebar.
- Set up your Google Reader to alert you when there's a new post (subscribe to this blog).
- Become a fan of Utah PTA, Region 9 on Facebook