Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Alpine School District Highlights

The Board of Education met in a study session prior to the regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, January 12. The purpose of the study session was to: 1) review boundary information for the new schools, 2) discuss growth information and a timeline for a future bond (the Board is looking at the fall of 2011), and 3) debrief from the USBA Convention.

The regular Board Meeting began by recognizing three outstanding employees:

1. Crispen Anderson was recently named the 2009 Utah Junior High School Teacher of the Year at the UAAPHERD conference held at BYU. Crispen teaches health and PE at Lakeridge Junior High School.

2. Garrick Peterson was named Junior High School Principal of the Year for the state of Utah. Garrick is the principal at Lakeridge Junior High School.

3. Rick Clark was named High School Principal fo the Year for the state of Utah. Rick is the principal at Mountain View High School.


Following the recognitions, there were two discussion items:

1. Boundary options for the new middle school and two elementary schools - This will be an action item at the next Board Meeting. (There will be maps sent in the highlights after the next meeting.)

2. Addition to the Scope of Employment Policy - This will also be an action item at the next Board Meeting.

The Board of Education received a report about school improvement plans in the west area of the district. Kathy Janzen, K-6 administrator over this area, did an excellent job reviewing statistics and sharing data with the Board. She shared her excitement about the great things going on in our elementary schools out west.

The next Board Meeting will be on January 26 at Sage Hills Elementary School. There will be a school dedication at 6:00 p.m. The regular Board Meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.

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